Goals in Sight
From local to global, PUMA Sourcing makes our products possible on a large scale through the effort of several different departments and roles. Whether it's creation, development, supply chain management, support, production or quality control, our global team is creative, proactive and takes ownership for each decision we make. By working in small groups, communicating with all necessary stakeholders, we maintain a close partnership to our suppliers in which everyone involved can rely on each other to realize amazing PUMA products.

We're taking our product samples a step further to be FOREVER. FASTER. By introducing virtual sampling, PUMA Sourcing can minimize the amount of samples we make until the final product hits the shelves. This is possible by visualizing concepts with correct predefinitions in 3D, cutting down on the time we need to align with our designers.

ZOE YUEN , VICE PRESIDENT SOURCING AND DEVELOPMENT APPAREL & ACCESSORIESWe have maintained relationships that have spanned 10 years or more with 70% of our suppliers.